Second Attemp...

Occasionally, as I come across interesting Oracle Database related issues, I’ll post my thoughts and opinions and who knows what else and perhaps, just maybe, others may find it interesting or useful as well.

Let the fun begin …

One needs to understand how Oracle works in order to use it safely.


This is my second blogging attempt, I originally created the Oracle Blog to talk about Oracle, my learning and findings in Oracle world.

But as we move on, I started working on Big Data Analytics, DevOps and Cloud Computing. So here is second attempt of blogging on Cloud Computing (AWS, Google Cloud), Big Data technologies , concepts and DevOps tools.

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Ansible Introduction

Ansible Introduction: 

Ansible is powerful IT Automation tool which can help you with configuration management, application deployment, task automation. It can also do IT orchestration, where you have to run tasks in sequence and create a chain of events which must happen on several different servers or devices.

Ansible Installation on CentOS

$ sudo yum install ansible

Ansible Quick Demo

Ansible in Details in link below

1 comment:

  1. Hi,
    Ansible Training expertise and make you learn all that is required to provision, deploy, and manage compute infrastructure across cloud, virtual,
    and physical environments. Ansible further help you build a strong foundation for DevOps.
    Ansible is an automation and configuration management technology used to provision, deploy, and manage compute infrastructure across
    cloud, virtual, and physical environments. In this course, students will learn the basics of Ansible and watch a simple Ansible playbook being created from
    beginning to finish.


Amazon AWS Certified !!!

Today I passed the AWS Certified Developer - Associate exam with 92%  Wow, I have been working on AWS since last one year and mainly usin...